Replace the analog measurement methods with the new digital technology the refrigeration trade!
The digital manifolds from Testo adjust systems efficiently, safer and more quickly than ever before. They optimize all work procedures on refrigeration systems and heat pumps immediately. Modern Testo manifolds such as the testo 550, testo 557, testo 570 do justice to the daily requirements in the refrigeration trade. They record various operating parameters with only one instrument. This means that pressure as well as temperature values can be measured quickly and easily. Two temperature inputs as a rule also ensure the simultaneous calculation of the superheating and subcooling of the system. Many digital manifolds further support the evacuation of the system with the help of an integrated vacuum measurement. It is also possible to conduct a temperature-compensated tightness test. In addition to this, almost all common refrigerants are stored in the instrument as standard. More modern instruments even allow data storage and analysis on a PC using special software, or the printout of the measurement protocol directly on site with the customer. The multi-functionality of digital manifolds thus creates considerable handling advantages, allowing fast and efficient work on site. The result: You carry out all jobs quickly and efficiently, have safe measurement results and can save up to 12.5% of energy costs.